Monday, January 26, 2009


She's getting so ridiculously tall. We're talking 6-9 month or 9 month size footies now to accommodate her long legs (6 month onesies, her body's only kinda long). Also, she can't seem to shake the same congestion thingee that's been plaguing Daniel and me. Poor kiddo--she can't blow her nose, of course, so the snot gets stuck in her tummy instead, and then she spits it up. Not that I blame her or anything, it's just too sad!

She's getting pretty decent at sitting, once you've put her upright. She's not half-bad at standing either--and she can do so with only hand support! Crazy. She practices walking with us now, as well as pushing up from her tummy, but she has yet to figure out how to roll from her tummy to her back, though she can get from her back to her tummy (and get stuck and cranky once she's there). I'm not sure, but I don't think this is the order it tells you in those silly baby development books. Oh well =)

The nifty thing, though, is that she figured out how to laugh today. Oh sure, there were giggles and gurgles before, but today was her first real laugh. I was tickling her after changing her diaper, and instead of the usual giggle-squeak she actually managed to laugh. Daniel heard it, too, and rushed in to see if we could get her to do it again, and she obliged us with the cutest noise she's made yet. Of course, when he pulled out his phone to get it on video, she was more interested in staring at the phone than making the appropriate noises for the camera. Better luck next time, huh?

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